Krafton is prepairing to launch Battlegrounds Mobile India in India, While Krafton has not revealed the launch date there are so many guesses. Already fans are so excited which can be seen from the fact that Battlegrounds India has crossed 20 Million pre-registrations. But game is also receiving lots of requests to government to stop the launch.
Recently Dr Gaurav Tyagi,it is said that he is National Security expert has filed RTI on Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) and Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, and he asked them some documents about launch of this game. They replied that they haven't given permission for entry, and they also replied that if any application or any game is launching, they can't stop the launch,but after the launch they can take any actions.
Finally Krafton had launched Battlegrounds Mobile India. Fans were so excited that the downloads limit was crossed and sever was crashed.when we come to the graphics of the game,it is totally looks like PUBG mobile,but there are some changes that have done by Krafton, like when we fire on other player,blood traces are removed from the game. And most important things which fans were so worried that can they get Pubg mobile data in this game, yes we can get back all the data from pugb.
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